PenCraft | DiasstCaisth | MidJourney AI

Well… This is what the future looks like. With the help of fancy new AI tech, I simply prompted: “deadliest catch anime hunting giant squid” and this is the result. This took less than 40 secs. If you haven’t heard of it by now, it might be time to get curious. The AI model hates text for some reason. I think it’s hilarious. So close, but so wrong. It’s very interesting that it can do images, but not handle text that well. It’s like the left brain vs. the right brain. Try it for yourself:

And this is the future of edited AI text:

Okay, so… The future looks like this. Using AI, I simply typed in “deadliest catch anime hunting giant squid” and this is what happened. The whole thing took less than 40 seconds. Maybe it’s time to get curious if you haven’t heard of it yet. For some reason, the AI model hates text. That’s hilarious to me. It’s so close, but so wrong. The fact that it can handle images, but not text, is very interesting. It’s like left and right brains. Take a look at for yourself:

Example of prompts.

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