Hidden Falls is a bust!

Traditionally, this would be the part of the season where 70 plus boats pack into a little known area on the back side of Sitka, battling for chum salmon.  In 2007, I participated in the cost recovery fishery for NRSAA.  That season, the fish were plentiful.  This year is a much different story.  Enjoy the audio link after the jump…  Here’s a great pic of the F/V Harvestor from cost recovery 2007.  That’s about a 60,000 pound set.

Returns of dog salmon to the Hidden Falls Hatchery on Baranof Island have been lower than the pre-season forecast. The total return to the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association’s hatchery was expected to be 1.6 million chums.

via Chum Salmon Run Falling Short of Expectations | APRN.

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