Its that time again. With the forecast for the coming summer just released, the final review of last year comes to light. Last summer’s salmon harvests totaled 162.5 million, placing it as the twelfth largest harvest since 1960. Chum salmon were the most valuable species in Southeast Alaska, with a total exvessel value of 37.0 million. District 1 had above average returns of pink salmon, making it the hot spot last year.
So, what is in store for the coming year? With a less that stellar pink forecast, the total number is 138 million. Luckily, Chum salmon are expected to be about the same. The sockeye harvest is supposed to be bigger than last year, but that’s not saying much compared to how dismal it was last season. Well, the numbers are out. It will be interesting to see how the run turns out. While this article is mostly about the Southeast, it appears the the northern salmon fisheries are facing serious issues. Here is the PDF from the ADF&G website.