12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade PHOTOS

Here’s a great look back on the items that seemed so necessary in their prime.  The saddest part be the handwritten letter.  Is

this a sign of things to come?

12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade PHOTOS Huffington Post First Posted: 12-26-09 10:20 AM   |   Updated: 12-26-09 10:55 PMRead More: Obsolete, Obsolete 2000-2009, Obsolete Gadgets, Obsolete Of The Decade, Slidepoll, Technology NewsWere entering 2010 with all kinds of new gadgets, gizmos, and tech tools, but lets not forget that weve lost a few things this decade, too.HuffPostTech took a look back at 12 things that became obsolete this decade.

via 12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade PHOTOS.

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