Huge quota cuts in Southeast Alaska! click thru for audio from KFSK.
Here are the 2011 numbers in brief:The commission is recommending a 41 million pound catch coast-wide, which is a 19 percent drop from last year overall.The area-by-area numbers include a 2.33 million pound quota for Southeast area 2C which is a 47 percent cut from last year. There’s a 28 percent cut to the Central Gulf of Alaska area 3A with a quota of just under 14.4 million pounds. The Western Gulf area 3B’s recommended quota is bout 7.5 million pounds for a reduction of 24 percent. Pacific Northwest area 2A will see a 12 percent increase to 910 thousand pounds. That’s actually higher than the 6 percent increase recommended this fall by staff members, who said this week they had made an error in their original recommendation. Meanwhile, British Columbia area 2B shows an increase of 2 percent over last year with a quota of 7.65 million pounds. The Aleutians areas 4A and B would see limits at about 2.4 and 2.2 million pounds which represent increases of 3 percent and 1 percent, respectively. Bering Sea areas 4C,D and-E would also see a small boost of 4 percent with just over 3.7 million pounds total.The Commissions numbers must still be approved by the federal governments in the US and Canada